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Did a Professor Sexually Assault You Years Ago?

In the wake of a sexual assault, many victims stay quiet and do not report the assault. This is especially true if an assailant was a person in an authority position, such as a professor or coach at a college or university. Victims may fear retaliation in the form of failing grades, poor recommendations, or …

More Colleges and Universities Are Using an “Informal Process” In Handling Sexual Assault Allegations: The Pros and Cons

In past years, college students wishing to report sexual assault had two primary options: go to the police or file a formal complaint with the applicable department of their school’s administration. Upon filing a complaint, students would then have to go through an in-depth investigation process and often a formal hearing to resolve the matter. …

Title IX Sexual Assault Investigations are Growing in U.S. High Schools and Middle Schools

When you think of Title IX protections against sexual assault and harassment, you may think of the many headlines you’ve seen regarding sexual misconduct on college and university campuses across the U.S. in recent years. However, Title IX also protects younger students at federally-funded schools, including high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools. Sexual …

Track Title IX Campus Investigations With This Database at The Chronicle of Higher Education

With different news sources regularly reporting different stories of sexual misconduct and Title IX violations at schools across the nation, it can be difficult to keep track of it all. It can especially be challenging to know whether a particularly school is under investigation or has been investigated for potentially mishandling sexual violence complaints. This …

Impact of the MeToo Movement on Campus Title IX Claims

In the fall of 2017, just after a news story revealed dozens of sexual harassment and assault allegations against major Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, actress Alyssa Milano helped reawaken a previous movement started more than ten years earlier. The “MeToo” movement initially began as an attempt for sexual assault survivors to show others they were …