College Hazing Defense Attorneys
Representing college students around the country that have been accused of hazing offenses related to their student code of conduct
Hazing has been a part of collegiate culture for decades and is particularly prevalent in organizations that encourage close bonds, such as fraternities, sororities, and athletic organizations. Hazing often takes the form of mental or verbal harassment, humiliation, servitude, drinking rituals, kidnapping, inappropriate clothing, mental memorization, and even physical violence. Many colleges and universities have strict policies contained within their student code of conduct against hazing and may impose significant sanctions against you if they believe you have violated these policies.
What you do and say – or don’t say – in the first hours upon notice that you’re under investigation by school authorities will have a serious impact on how the process unfolds. With the increased national attention being given to how schools conduct their disciplinary hearings (and to hazing specifically), the risks of getting caught up in a process over which you and your parents can quickly lose control are increasing dramatically. Additionally, federal and state law enforcement authorities are filing criminal charges against students involved in hazing incidents. For these reasons, it is critical that you speak with an experienced conduct code defense lawyer as soon as possible if you have been accused of hazing at your college or university.
For a consultation with a highly experienced college hazing defense lawyer, call Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP today at 212-736-4500.
Potential consequences of a hazing violation
Allegations of hazing can result in both a criminal case and disciplinary action being taken by the school. The criminal component of a hazing case can result in legal sanctions, including probation, fines, community service, and even jail time. In addition, your educational institutional may impose separate sanctions, which often can include the following:
- Disciplinary probation
- A formal reprimand
- Exclusion from college or university housing
- Withdrawal of financial aid
- Forfeiture of a scholarship
- Loss of funding for an organization
- Suspension
- Expulsion
Even in cases where there is no companion criminal case to allegations of hazing, it is extremely important to retain an attorney if you have been accused of acts of hazing. As the accused, you have legal rights, including the right to defend yourself. In many cases, an attorney can help establish that no code of conduct violation occurred or may mitigate the consequences that you are facing. It is critical for you to remember that the consequences of a disciplinary violation can last long after you graduate. Graduate programs will invariably want to review their applicants’ academic record, and a code of conduct violation could potentially hurt your chances of admission. In addition, employers may be wary of hiring you if you have disciplinary violations on your record.
Contact a college hazing defense lawyer today to schedule a case evaluation
A disciplinary violation related to hazing is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. In some cases, a hazing incident may result in a parallel criminal case in addition to any investigation conducted by a college or university. As a result, if you are accused of hazing, you can often face extremely serious criminal consequences.
The highly knowledgeable attorneys of Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP have extensive experience with college conduct code cases. To schedule a consultation with a college hazing lawyer, call Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP today at 212-736-4500.